Monday, June 11, 2007



Members of two bands I love, Metal Hearts and Victory at Sea, have morphed together to form a new band - travels. Via their Myspace:

anar is in metal hearts. mona is in victory at sea.
anar and mona met on tour in europe with their bands.
anar and mona have a garden.
anar and mona have almost identical bikes.
anar and mona love indian food very much.

The songs at their Myspace sound much more Metal Hearts than VAS, almost to the point of sounding like a new Metal Hearts album. And that is a good thing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED listening. Here are two mp3s:

The Smell of Kerosene
Friends in Quotes

They are currently recording a full length and are planning to play some shows later in the year. They recommend buying a bike in the meantime, which is funny, because I have actually been thinking about buying a bike. One of those cool cruisers to be specific. Like this one.


At 6/12/2007 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS. thank you!

they sound much better than metal hearts, though.


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